Effective March 16, 2020, the Georgia Department of Labor has adopted an emergency rule 300-2-4-0.5, Partial Claims. This rule mandates all Georgia employers to file partial claims on behalf of full-time and part-time employees if it becomes necessary to reduce work hours or if no work is available as a result of COVID-19. This will allow for faster distribution of unemployment insurance benefits. Employers who fail to adhere to this mandate will be required to reimburse GDOL for the full amount of unemployment insurance benefits paid to the employee.

The GDOL is also suspending in-person requirements for services by requiring employers to file the claims online. Employees for whom a claim has been filed will not need to report to the GDOL career center.

For additional information, including guidelines on how to file a partial claim, visit the GDOL website.

HLB Gross Collins, P.C. is committed to bringing you the most up-to-date and accurate information. We will continue to share relevant information as the COVID-19 situation continues to develop. Please note that this information may change from the time of publication, as the news is evolving on a daily basis. As with any business, tax, or financial guidance, you should always consult a professional to determine applicability to your specific situation.