Tax Forms & Helpful Links

Tax Forms & Helpful Links

Tax Forms & Helpful Links

Our clients find these commonly used links helpful as accounting and tax resources:

HLB Gross Collins has been an outstanding partner for our business for over 15 years. Wayne Gilmore and the partners and staff at HLB Gross Collins have supported our multi-national business tax and advice needs effectively and efficiently. Whether evaluating the tax and business consequences of an international or domestic job or completing the inevitable paperwork and tax returns required, HLB Gross Collins always provides the support we need. I highly recommend HLB Gross Collins to any business.

Steven R. Baardson, CFO & General Counsel

TransGlobal Energy, Inc.

“Crunching Numbers” for me is only one of the many things I appreciate about HLB Gross Collins. Over the many years of working with Pauline, who I consider my accountant and friend, I have developed a relationship which reflects trust and loyalty. I know she has my best interest as a basis for all her advice. Caring may be the key word. She is always available to guide my decisions in a supportive and professional manner. I consider myself fortunate to be a client.

Sara Thomas

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