Operation Hope Global Financial Dignity Summit

Elizabeth Salvati recently attended the Operation Hope Global Financial Dignity Summit. Operation Hope is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing and empowering the poor and underserved through financial dignity.  The Summit, themed ” Global Economic Recovery: How the Poor Can Help Save Capitalism,” covered issues of financial inclusion, small business, entrepreneurship, jobs and financial dignity.  The Global Summit was comprised of distinguished speakers, panelists and attendees who are all committed to the goal of economic empowerment.

HLB Gross Collins, P.C. has been a supporter of Operation Hope for several years, both financially as well as participation in their educational program geared toward lower income students. Each year, we spend a half day at a local middle school and teach a 3 hour program covering the basics of banking, good credit, savings, interest, investments, budgeting, and overall financial management.  The sessions are all presented with an overall theme of “dignity” and the principle that everyone has the right to lead a dignified life, fulfill their potential, and have the freedom to make decisions.

In addition to attending the Global Summit, Beth will be volunteering to teach an entrepreneurship training class within the HOPE circle.  We are honored to have the opportunity to actively participate in Operation Hope with the common goal of financial empowerment.

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