Unwinding Roth Conversions

In view of the decline in the stock market, a taxpayer might wish to reverse a Roth IRA conversion if the value of the assets decreased following the conversion to avoid paying taxes immediately on a depreciating asset. In general, a rollover or conversion to a Roth IRA may be reversed by transferring funds to a traditional IRA by the due date (including extensions) of the taxable year in which the conversion was made. Thus, a 2010 Roth conversion could be reversed as late as October 15, 2011, by a taxpayer who receives an extension of six months from his ordinary filing due date.  A taxpayer who makes a Roth conversion followed by a recharacterization may not make another Roth conversion until the later of the taxable year following the taxable year of the initial conversion or, if later, 30 days after the recharacterization.

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